TeleTherapy FAQs:


What is Teletherapy & what specific services are available?

TeleTherapy is a virtual (video/audio), realtime method of delivery of speech, occupational & physical therapy.


Is TeleTherapy effective?

Studies have shown this delivery model to be very effective and outcome measures consistent with face-to-face sessions.


What feedback have you received by your patients & parents?

Patients and parents have been very satisfied with TeleTherapy services.


Will insurance cover my services?

Most insurance companies cover these services like in-person office visits less typcial member copayments, coinsurance and dedutibles. We will verify your benefits prior to your visit and communicate our findings.


Is the connection private & secure?

Our service is HIPAA compliant which protects privacy and security.  

* In light of recent events, non-HIPAA platforms (Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, etc...) are temporarily being allowed as an alternative to our platform


Contact us now to learn more!

410-796-8499 or email